The Loan Management System solution is expected to have features around user based dashboarding functionality.
The LMS solution is expected to have features pertaining to access control which will cover areas like:
a. Access privilege level configuration (i.e. who gets what access or what rights)
b. Access granularity (to what extent can access be restricted e.g. restriction of access at report level or data extraction/saving etc.)
The LMS solution is expected to have features pertaining to security and logging which will cover
functionalities around:
a. User activity logging (reports runs, data deleted etc.).
b. System activity logs around the following system query runs, batch report extractions and master data/operational data deletions/modifications.
Install Node.js runtime and npm package manager.
Open this http://localhost:3000/ link frist time and then show like below image.
Now you can click on next button and fill up all the step and finish this installation.
After installing this System then you need logged in using login page.
Now all user can log in from this login page.
Dashboard: Admin side dashboard view.
Click on General Setting under Setup in Niftyews link-list to start setting up the system . You are advised to fill all fields of General settings as these details are used in the different section of the whole system .You can change these settings as per your requirement.
You can add new user,as well as view the complete list of all user.
From here the user can view his profile.
You can add new loan and type of loan, manage all Loans and view the complete list of all loans.
You check all detils of loan and also you add add EMI payments.
You Click on Pendding button and open EMI payment page.
You Click on Add Re-Payment tab then click on Add Repay Now and open Re-payment page.
You Click on Alert tab. You show Upcoming EMI payment as alert so user get alert.
Only Admin Can view EMI Payment pending report of users.
You can add new product, manage all Products and view product.
You can View Active and Deactive User reports and View Approved and DisApproved loan Reports.
Service:Admin can add new service,edit,view manage all service and view a complete list of all service.
You can add a new Category, manage all Category.
You can add Event and manage all Events.
You can add Rules and Regulations and manage it.
You can add a new Notification Template, manage all Notification Template.
Branch admin can add new ,edit reminders,view manage all reminders.
You can add notes and manage all notes.
Admin can list of all logs allocate type complete list of all Logs.
Clear log: Click clear log button and all log are clear.
Only Admin can add new role in system and manage all roles. Also admin can give access for all system and also give login access.
Click on Setup inside Click on Access Right to start setting up the system. Access rights is a functionality for all users like Customer, Staff, and Accountant to give access rights for use modules of this system. Here all modules like Loan management, Users, Product, Service etc. In this modules which module with access to add, edit, view and delete access right for all users. So basically admin can give rights to all users for access right to operate this all modules.
Impersonate to intentionally copy another user's characteristics, such as their behaviour like you enter only user's email id and all system logged in this user's id. So you will all access for this user.
Branch admin can add new ,edit custom field,view manage all custom field and view a complete list of all custom field.
Branch admin can add new custom field.